I'm sitting here nodding my head as I read this. I've been so focused on perfecting my work that I've forgotten the joy of simply creating and sharing. The story about the deleted files is a great reminder that nothing is permanent, and the only way to truly preserve our work is to share it with others.

I love the idea of treating our creations like a whistleblower with crucial information - spread it wide and far! Your article has inspired me to start sharing more of my work, even if it's not perfect. After all, it's better to have an imperfect piece of art out in the world than a perfect one hidden away on a hard drive. Thank you for this valuable reminder!

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Oh, I'm so glad this was helpful for you, Alex! Thank you so much for sharing, and yes, let's put our imperfect pieces of art out there!

As Tony Robbins put it: "Perfection is the lowest standard in the world. Because if you're trying to be perfect, you know you can't be. So what you really have is a standard you can never achieve."

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Jul 31Liked by Dr. Louise Schriewer

You can't lose what you've given away.

This thought is blowing through me right now. Thank you! I'm not sure why, but it feels revelatory

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Thanks so much, Tim! I really appreciate it.

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Jul 31Liked by Dr. Louise Schriewer

"You and me, we don’t have forever, at least not as our current personality. And that’s actually a good thing because it forces us to make our lives count"

Love this!!

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Thank you so much, Ava.May!

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