Hi friend,
Ever since I started my own business (and probably before as well), I’ve felt drawn to working with groups.
Given how much of an innate desire of mine that is, it’s funny how comparatively little of it I have done. Sure, I’ve given talks, and facilitated groups, and offered webinars and courses… but I’ve never fully committed to it the way I committed to 1-on-1 coaching, or to my writing.
Now, I love writing. And I love working with people 1-on-1 (you can go really deep and accomplish so much that way). I just love working with groups even more. I feel like there’s a way I come alive when interacting with a group.
So, why then, would I put so much energy into things I love (writing) and so little energy into things I love even more (working with groups)?
There’s a reason for that, and it all comes down to fear. I’d like to pretend that’s not the case, but why else would I feel a bit sick to my stomach while writing this email?
Simple: working with groups is one of my deepest issues. I have them, and since you’re currently in a human body (except for any bots reading this who may or may not also have their issues), you probably have them, too.
SSS: Our deepest issues
During my own energetic healing process, I have realized that our SSS (super-sticky stuff) often falls into two categories:
it’s an energy we picked up from other people (generally ancestors), or
it’s past-life stuff.
My fear of groups falls into the second category.
(In case you’re curious about how to relate to issues in the first category: What I’ve found is that you can’t heal energies that aren’t your own.
So, if you are experiencing an issue that really belongs to someone else, the only way to free yourself from that is to hand it back to the person you got it from. If you need help with that, I invite you to schedule a session with me.)
Past-life issues
Ugh. I’m not a fan of openly talking about woo-woo stuff. (Which might come as a bit of a surprise to you if you have read some of my past writing about channeling or magic.)
Or perhaps I should say that I’m not a fan of talking about past lives. I don’t think I’ve ever even obliquely mentioned it in all my writing.
<wanders off to get a tea>
<returns to see the half-finished article accusingly filling the screen>
<vows to pick an easier incarnation next time>
<grumbles and tries to resume writing>
Yeah, I’m not going to get out of talking about it, am I?
Okay, fine!
“So, when I did a past-life regression related to my stuff with groups, …”
Nope, not gonna talk about it! Let’s just say that if reincarnation really exists and if my images are a reflection of things that happened, then I have reasons to fear being in front of groups.
Which is a bit of a conundrum, right? Being in front of groups makes me feel alive, and my soul is afraid it might get me killed. It’s actually a bit of a cosmic joke, albeit not one I find particularly funny at the moment.
Now, rationally, I’m aware that there might never have been a safer time to express myself openly than now. I mean, when you hear “stocks”, you probably think of finances, not public punishment, right?
It’s just that my soul doesn’t yet fully trust that things have shifted as much as they have. And that whatever may have happened in the past (either to myself or to other people) was then, not now.
While writing this email is a stretch for me, that I’m writing it is a testament to how far I’ve already come with resolving this issue. (And, also, to how safe I feel with you and the other people receiving these emails.)
Which brings me to my question:
Would you be interested in “This”?
“This” being some type of group healing or coaching format.
I’m really open to hearing what would be helpful for you. Would it be helpful to have a program that’s focused on compassionate accountability? Or something that’s more about energetic healing and exploration (for instance, past lives or dreams)?
If you have ideas, I’d love to hear them! You can comment below or send me a message.
(Btw, it’s totally fine if your answer is no. Before I got more into past lives explorations, I thought I avoided starting a group program because I was afraid of someone saying no. Now I know that that’s really not what I’m concerned about.)
Thanks for reading!
I think healing traumas sustained by our other-selves or by ancestors (often, not always, interchangeable) is a key process for a lot of people and something I'm definitely focused on this go-round. I'm curious what something like this would look like in group-format?
Something like a formal Group-therapy for past-life traumas kind of makes sense, but also it might have a really step cliff for personal engagement, especially given how hard some of that stuff is to share without massive Imposter Syndrome hurdles around sounding silly.
That said, I'm interested and could probably really use it, with the right small group of people.