October Abundance (Monthly Meditation Theme)
October is a great time to explore the theme of Abundance, no matter where you live in the world.
Welcome to our first Monthly Meditation Theme!
Niv, the high-level guide I’m channeling in this publication, wanted to riff on the theme of Abundance (with a capital A).
Let’s begin with a quick summary of Niv’s message. You can find the full recording and a transcript below. It contains a lot more nuances and additional information. :)
Key Points:
October is a great time to explore the theme of Abundance, no matter where you live in the world and what hemisphere you are in.
Abundance applies to all areas of life, not just the financial. For instance, you can have (or desire) an abundance of friends.
If you are experiencing a lack of abundance in an area of your life, it feels better to think of that as “not-Abundance” than as “scarcity” (or other words that feel even worse).
One way to think about not-Abundance is that these are areas where your energy is smaller than what would feel good to you.
Niv also gave us the following exercise to play with:
Notice where you are experiencing not-Abundance in your life.
Pick an area where you are experiencing not-Abundance and explore how that feels energetically. To do so, imagine a circle and indicate the size of the circle with your hands or by placing two small objects (books, pens, etc.) on the floor. Stand or sit in the middle of the circle and experience what that feels like.
Now, imagine what Abundance in this area would feel like. How big would the circle be? Create a bigger circle and use two small objects to indicate its diameter. Stand or sit in the middle of the circle and experience what this bigger circle feels like.
Please let me know if you have questions about this exercise. If you have experiences you would like to share, you can also do that! (This isn’t a public post, so only other paid subscribers can see your comment.)
Listen to Niv’s Full Message:
Don’t listen to this while driving or doing anything that requires your attention. If you want to listen at a higher speed, you can click on where it says 1x on the left. :)
Read Niv’s Full Message:
Welcome to our Monthly Meditation on a specific theme. For the month of October and for our first Monthly Meditation Theme, we have picked the topic of Abundance. For this topic is one that is important to many of those who may be listening to this now or later.
And it is also a topic that is quite aligned with the seasons. Regardless—by the way— where you find yourself on this globe and what hemisphere. Abundance is something that is a good theme to consider in October. So let us consider this.
Now, the word Abundance brings up many things to many people. And let us assure you that we're talking about an energy, an energy state that can be activated in all of you if it isn't already. For many people, different energy states relating to Abundance can be activated at different times in one's life, where a harvest or a blossoming can lead to feelings of Abundance, whereas a drought or impending winter, as a metaphor here, mostly, can lead you to feel the opposite of Abundance.
Now, we want to give you a quick tip. Whenever you're in a state of not-Abundance, call it that instead of using other words for it. For if you use the term “not-Abundance”, you're still strengthening the idea of Abundance. Do you see how “scarcity” feels worse than “not-Abundance”?
Let us think of the times when you might be feeling not-Abundant. I'll give you a moment to do that. Over this month of October, we might encourage you to keep track of these areas.
Now, one way to think about not-Abundance is that these are areas where your energy is smaller than what would feel good to you. So in other words, if you're feeling not-Abundance in terms of friendships, that means that your energy imprint in the area of friendship is smaller than what would feel good to you. And please know that we're deliberately using an example that for many of you carries somewhat less resistance than if we were talking about money specifically. This really applies to all areas of your life.
So now, pick one of the areas, if there are more than one where you're feeling not-Abundant, and picture how it feels like right now as a circle and imagine what the diameter is. Depending on the size, you can even put your hands around it.
Basically, use your hands to indicate how big it is, or other body parts, or if that's not possible for you, you can use tools like books. Place one book on one side and the other on the other side to indicate the diameter of your current energy space.
Now, take a moment and connect with what that energy space feels like size-wise when you're in the state of Abundance. For instance, to stick with the example of friendships, what does it feel like to have abundance in the area of friendships? How big is that circle?
And now increase the circle to that size. And hopefully, if you've been using your hands to indicate the size, the new circle is bigger than what you could encompass. So now you need to find a way to use other things to indicate how big that space is. So like what we talked before, you can use books or any other thing, really. It could be two pens. Just check how big is it now. How big is it compared to what you had before? And then get yourself into the middle of that new big circle.
And of course, you're primarily imagining the circle. You have two things that are indicating how big it is from one side to the other, but the rest of the circle you're imagining, and you're in the middle of that, noticing how it feels to be in an energetic space, in this area that feels like Abundance to you. Really soak that in. And this is an exercise we would encourage you to do throughout the month when it comes up. It's really easy.
And now that we've talked this through with you, we realize that maybe it would be even easier to find a way if you want to do it outside and if you have some chalk, you could even draw it and see how your small circle feels, the one where you're not in Abundance, and how the big circle feels and how different it is to be in the center of those.
The thing about a sense of Abundance is that there's also a sense of freedom in the midst of that, a flow of all these other good things.
And now is a really great time to experience that Abundance in an energetic sense by increasing your constructs for the circles we've created. They are constructs in a way, aren't they?
You've moved from a smaller construct to a bigger energetic construct. And that should feel much better. So, well, that's that!
We wish you a wonderful October, and we look forward to seeing you again very, very soon before November.
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