New Earth Is a Choice You Make & You Can Make It Anytime
Heaven on Earth is an experience more than anything else.
A while ago, a reader suggested I ask Niv, the guide I’m channeling, about their perspective on New Earth. And, of course, Niv had a thing or two to say about it.
Before we get into that, I thought it might help to share my own experience with these ideas, and then explain what is commonly meant by these terms (for those of you who are new to them).
My personal experience with New Earth
I feel like I have moved more and more into what is often referred to as New Earth or Heaven on Earth sometime over the last 1.5 years—and let me tell you, it’s a much nicer real estate. ;)
The grass definitely is greener over here, and while I still experience challenges, they feel more like productive challenges (most some most of the time, anyway!).
It’s strange to describe this because I don’t want to give off the mistaken impression that I’m continuously floating on clouds or strolling across rainbows with a herd of unicorns. In fact, the last two weeks have been quite challenging for me as I’ve been feeling rather under the weather.
(Side note: I’m not the biggest fan of the commonly used words Heaven on Earth or New Earth—imho, paradise should not include the common cold, or being woken up repeatedly in the middle of the night. That’s why I prefer calling my lived experience the Joyful Growth Path.)
While there are still challenges in my life, I experience more peace and happiness on a more regular basis than ever before in my life. On average, my life tends to get better every month. And, I now expect it to continue to get better and better and better.
The changes that show up in my life aren’t always improvements that normal culture would find impressive or noteworthy. However, my lived experience gets better and better. My life continues to expand in ways that feel aligned.
If your experience is similar, congratulations! I’m glad we’re living in the same neighborhood! And if you haven’t yet moved here but really like the area, consider this article our warm invitation to join us.
Wait, what are you talking about? What’s this New Earth?
In case you aren’t sure what the term New Earth is referring to (there are many different applications which makes searching for it more challenging), let’s start by defining it more.
Here’s a description by Alex Marcoux:
“First, let me share what I don’t mean by the “New Earth.” I am not referring to Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth, or the exploration of a new Earth-like planet, or Jesus’ ascension.
I do mean humanity’s awakening and spiritual ascension that many may refer to as the paradigm shift and the awakening to the fifth dimension (or the New Earth).”
And here’s another by Amanda Sahrai:
“So let’s talk about this idea of creating heaven on earth or creating the ‘New Earth’ and how all of it ties together. These terms all more or less means the same, with slight nuances to the different words, definitions, aspects of each. But more or less, they all tie in to this idea of moving into – or ascending into – a higher vibrational frequency, individually, collectively, and literally at the level of the earth herself.”
As you can see, there are many different angles to the whole idea of “New Earth” which made me extra-curious to see Niv’s take on this. One thing I really like about my guide is that they tend to give practical and grounded advice that you can often implement right away (or whenever you next have a few quiet minutes).
This holds true for their transmission today.
Niv’s Perspective on Old Earth and New Earth
We have all experienced the Path of Struggle (“Old Earth”) and we have also had experiences of being on the Path of Joyful Growth (“New Earth”).
In the past, life generally came with a fair share of suffering and pain. Now, however, you have the option to leave the Path of Struggle behind.
To move to New Earth, you need to choose to make it your home. This can be as simple as deciding that you want to be happy.
We have these choice points every day—do I want to be happy or do I want to focus on the things that don’t make me happy?
If you decide you want to be on the Joyful Growth Path, you can expect an adjustment period. You might temporarily go back to old habits but that doesn’t mean that you have left your new path. The adjusting is part of the new path.
Full transmission
Here’s the entirety of what Niv shared (you can listen to the audio and/or read the article).
Music: The Blessed One by Thaddeus.
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Used with permission
You cannot understand New Earth without understanding Old Earth. And you are all have experienced Old Earth:
The trauma, the trauma, the heartbreak, the violence, the never ending cycle, the struggling, the suffering. If you have read through this litany and feel pretty bad right now, then you know what we are referring to.
You also have the experience of New Earth right within you, for you would not be reading this if you didn't. You understand the lightness. You understand how growth can bring relief. How love can heal. How there is a peace underneath everything. How the light is stronger than whatever might be arising that is not light.
When it comes to New Earth, it does not matter so much what will happen to the collective. What matters more is how you choose to orient yourself. Do you choose to plant your feet on the Old Earth, in these old cycles of karma?
(Note: we previously talked about whether karma is real or not. So this might be interesting to look into if you have not already.)
The choice between Old Earth and New Earth
Do you plant your feet on Old Earth or on New Earth?
And you really have to pick, just like everyone is being asked to pick.
At this point, Old Earth is still the default. And that does not mean that new souls that are being born right now might not already be born into New Earth. In fact, we are aware of quite a number of souls who are doing that right now.
But for you who have been here for a while, you need to make a conscious choice if you want New Earth to be your home. And that conscious choice does not have to be, “I choose to be in New Earth.”
That conscious choice can just be, “I choose to be happy.” That's a choice for New Earth. As are: “I choose to express love. I choose to love my life. I choose to see the best in myself and others.”
All of these are choices for New Earth.
Are you ready to make a choice?
Right now, we ask you to check in if you are ready to make that choice. Imagine that you are on a path and there are two roads diverging in front of you. Right now, turn back and look at the path that you came from.
And you will notice that that path is looking very much like one of the two paths. That's the path of the past. And in the past, in a way, there was really only that one choice. There was only the Old Earth choice, and that came with a lot of suffering and pain.
Of course, the suffering and pain was always conditional, for everyone who experienced it was in reality an infinite being. And so the suffering was always temporary, limited to your time on this earth plane.
Now, however, you have the option to be on this earth plane and experience joy. Also, you can experience many of the qualities that you previously could have only experienced in the non-physical: The love, the light, the joy, the sense of abundance. It's just a deep, deep, deep sense of beautiful relief.
So now look at this path that you have been on. And maybe notice how it has been for you and see if that is something that you want to continue. I have a very strong suspicion that the answer is no, but seriously check in with yourself. Maybe there's something that you can still learn from Old Earth. And if your response to that is a solid “Hell, no”….
Welcome, let's move to the other side! On the other side, you can grow as well, just in funner, in other ways. So you do not give up growth when you move to the New Earth, you just give up the idea of growing through struggling.
The adjustment period
And of course, there is going to be a bit of an adjustment period. You still have habits that might carry over for a while. Just like when somebody gives up a certain habit, they might still have some triggers. So, for instance, somebody who does not smoke anymore might still feel the urge to take a smoking break at certain intervals, even though they no longer have cigarettes on them. And that can take a while to peter out of your system.
So be graceful with yourself. And know that once you have made the decision that you want to be a New Earth, that that choice is heard and understood. And you're not going to get kicked out of New Earth because you're temporarily going back to old habits.
You are still on New Earth, you're just adjusting, just like it might take you a bit to adjust if you travel to a different country, maybe with a time zone difference. And the food is different, so maybe your system needs a bit to acclimate to all of that. So let's call this an acclimation period, if it comes up for you.
Side note: If you find yourself going through an acclimation period, and would like some support, we invite you to check out if one of our services is a good fit for you.
Choosing the path of light
Are you ready to make your choice?
If so, you're noticing that the path of light is lighting up in front of you, inviting you forward. And so take a step, take another step, and another. And even if you cannot walk, allow yourself to move forward in whatever way feels good. Maybe you're flying. Maybe, as you announced the intention, helpers arrive to carry you forward. Go with whatever comes up for you that feels good.
And even if you can walk, maybe the helpers are arriving anyway. Because this is New Earth, and when you declare an intention here, the universe conspires to help you.
So see if there's someone who's greeting you. Maybe you even see familiar faces, lining that new path. Maybe they're high-fiving you. Or clapping you on the shoulder. Maybe they're clapping.
So move forward in whatever way you see fit for this path. And notice how that feels. For we could tell you many things about New Earth, but really New Earth is an experience more than anything else.
New Earth and your physical body
Everyone who is on Earth right now has the ability to step into New Earth. There are no membership requirements other than the desire to be there. There are no prerequisite other than a desire to be there.
You ask and New Earth responds.
And if this feels familiar, that is because this has been your experience as an infinite being, as a soul in many different realms—you desire something and it happens. So New Earth is really a way of getting closer to having that broader experience here while enjoying having a physical body.
And we deliberately say enjoy. For you now get to enjoy having a physical body in a very different way. And that, my friend, is something wonderful. And it is a privilege. It is something that many, many beings in many different realms would feel a certain envy for if they are capable of feeling envy, which not all of them are. But this is something that is big and it's beautiful. And you get to experience it. You get to have a front row seat to this beautiful shift.
New Earth and other people
When you decide to be in New Earth, you also make it easier for others to make that choice too. For you cannot force anybody else to make that choice. It is really up to them. And we told you earlier not to worry about the collective, and that is because this is an individual experience, because it's based on choice. It's not going to be forced on anyone.
For now, people get to choose. And that makes sense because Earth is a free will planet. So forcing love and light on people who maybe came here for very different reasons would not be in alignment with the idea of that. So it could be that you make the choice to be on the Earth and maybe some people around you, some people you care about, don't make the same choice.
In that case, you get to love them anyway, and you get to find a way to have that be okay with you—for you are now on New Earth. And even an experience like that, someone choosing to be in suffering can be met with peace within you, for you know that this is helping them evolve in ways that you may not fully understand now, but that their soul understands and knows.
You can just love and support them in making that choice, knowing that any suffering here is temporary. And if they want to relieve that suffering and there's something you can do to help, you can help them, if that's what feels right. And if you drift apart, that's also completely fine too.
So with that being said, welcome to New Earth. The water is warm here, unless you like your water cold. Jump on in and enjoy the experience!
And I look forward to connecting to you again very soon. Bye for now.
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Niv wants me to make the following sales soul’s pitch for doing any of these things: energy flows and when you put energy into this, you’re paving a highway that connects you more strongly to the concept of joyful growth.
Of course, connecting more deeply and consistently with this energy through a paid subscription should be a choice. That’s why we’re making almost every post publicly available. This gives you the chance to interact with this in a more casual or in a more committed way, whichever you prefer.
If you would like more guidance and compassionate accountability to create the life that you desire, you can also work with me directly. I would love to help you get to where you want to go!
Either way, we’re glad you are here and hope to be of service!
This is so very beautiful, thank you so much for sharing! I deeply resonate with the idea of choice, and couldn't agree more. I deeply feel that the two worlds are in a time of co-existence at this point, which makes it an incredibly exciting time to be alive!